Complete Commercial, Residential & Industrial Solar Systems
We Invest In
The Future of Planet!Golden Solar (Pvt) Ltd. Is a high tech enterprise, taking the inspirational target of improving the idea of “Quality Life” Via clean energy.
is registered under circular 2007-07 company registration as a business and under the licence of Sustainable Energy Authority.(Reg. No. SLSEASBS00145PV1257342018ABT1)
Eco Friendly solar energy for all Sri Lankans
To actively join the government venture of providing sustainable energy to all Sri Lankans by providing solar systems with standard trust worthy service for a reasonable price
Customer first
Taking responsibilities
Service oriented
Aiming for excellence
Existing net metering system helps the customer generate electricity using solar panels fixed on their houses and connected to same The consumer has to pay only for the net amount of electricity that he consumed. In this system, if that particular customer’s production exceeds his consumption, he is at liberty to bring forward the balance and utilize it in the following months.
If the generated units of electricity using the solar panels fixed on their houses are greater than the amount he consumed, the customer will be paid Rs.22.00 per unit during the first 07 years and from the 08’ year he will be paid Rs. 15.50 per unit. If the consumption is greater than he generated, the consumer has to pay that existing electricity tariff for the excess electricity consumed.
Getting paid for the amount of electricity generated using the solar panels fixed on their houses. Unlike net metering method there is no linkage in-between the electricity consumption of the customer and the electricity generation. The customer has to pay for the electricity consumed according to the existing tariff. Electricity Board will pay for the total amount of electricity he generates.
We bring you the best quality products araound the world including Germany, Canada, Chaina, etc.